Nathan Cayton


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Rice Paddy

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UH-1H being refueled at Blueghost Hanger

Bunker located behind our hooch

Boat Hull


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1991 B co. 70th Trans.

Coleman Bks Germany

I retired in Mar 1991 after 21 1/2 years of service. I spent over 8 years working in the Medevac Units in Texas, Alaska, and Louisiana.

I was working for the city of Diboll Texas at their Civic Center, when I had my first heart attack which required 5 bypasses to be done.

In Jan 2003, I had another attack. 3 of 5 bypasses were and remain blocked. Further surgery is not recommended. I am awaiting on Social Security to act on my request. There is still a lot that I can do but the doctors will not let me go back to work.

I have been married for 34 years with 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I do not have a problem with releasing any information on myself and would love to hear from all - I am  in the database , email or call!

I will close for now but have other things to add later.


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