VA Updates

As we get older more and more things start going wrong, our bodies seem to be talking louder and louder to us. Some of these ailments and illnesses could be linked to your time in Vietnam.

There have been changes recently in the VA to help you get compensation for various health problems.

First you must register with your local VA hospital or Out-Patient Clinic. Next you need to apply for service connection for any illnesses or ailments you think are related to your time in Vietnam. Some of these could be hearing loss, vision problems, type 2 Diabetes, arthritis, cancers, back problems, joint problems, PTSD, etc.

New regulations signed into effect July 2001 give the veterans statements more credibility. Basically if you were in combat the VA has to take your word on incidents or accidents unless they have proof that it didn’t happen! Ask your local VA service officer about CFR 3.304-1. Or call or email Doc Anderson and he will send you a copy of the document.  Also, the rumor on the street is that the VA is looking for more cases of disability. This is because they are loosing monies in large quantities with the rapid loss of WWII veterans and if they do not use the entire budget this year, next year they get less and then their jobs are in jeopardy.

Doc’s email:  snail mail address:

5920 Deer Creek Way  -  Paso Robles, CA 93446

Cell phone # (805) 886-3538


The Wall That Heals 2002 Sites

June 13-16

Millington, TN

Naval Support Activity Mid-South

June 20-23

Bloomfield, MO

Stars and Stripes Museum/Library Assn.

July 4-7

Frankfort, IL

Frankfort VFW #1493

July 18-21

Aberdeen, SD

American Legion Post 24

August 1-4

Hamburg, IA

Hamburg Kiwanis Club

August 15-18

Bowman, ND

Bowman County Development Corp.

Aug. 29-Sept. 1

Thebes, IL

Thebes Junior Volunteers

Sept. 5-8

Florence, AL

Florence/Lauderdale Tourism

September 26-29

Saddle Brook, NJ

VFW Post 3484

October 3-6

Pottstown, PA

Pottstown Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 565

October 10-13

Cincinnati, OH

Arlington Memorial Gardens

October 24-27

Elkton, MD

Cecil County American Legion

November 7-10

Modesto, CA

First Baptist Church of Modesto

November 14-17

Atwater, CA

Castle Air Museum Foundation, Inc.



Reunion 2002

There were about twenty Blue Ghosts and family members in attendance at San Diego. What we lacked in attendance we more than made up for in enthusiasm. Ernie Arzabal and his wife showed us a very good time in their city. We had dinner Thursday night at a fish & chips place where the food was very good and we all chatted and got caught up on all the latest with each other.

Blue Ghosts smiling pretty at the dinner Saturday Night.

Friday we were all going to go to the Marine Corps graduation, however for some unknown reason the graduation was cancelled so Arnie and his wife gave us a tour of San Diego. We went to the Point Loma Cemetery which is up on a bluff overlooking San Diego harbor and the Coronado Island Naval Station. Then it was back to the hotel for more “stories” and looking at photos. Friday evening we all went to a local bar/restaurant called, “Dick’s Last Resort”. What a fabulous place, it was very busy so we had to wait a little while for a table since there were about 25 of us by that time.

 One of the customs of this place was that they encourage you to throw wadded up napkins at one another. Now this may not sound too interesting but I’m here to tell you we had a great time pelting not only one another but all the other patrons also! There was also music playing and one of the Ghosts at our table decided to dance with the neighboring table of young ladies out for a bachelorette party. He showed them all that the Blue Ghosts can still shake their booty! Then there was an announcement over the PA system that a group of Vietnam Veterans in attendance were celebrating a reunion, at this point the crowd cheered and applauded and some stood and raised their glasses in a salute. What a night!

Saturday the Blue Ghosts in attendance had a meeting which lasted about an hour and half, business was discussed and a city for next year’s reunion was suggested. For complete details the minutes are located on page 2.  Some of us were planning to go on cruise of the harbor, but because of the cool weather and threatening rain only Bob and Betty lou Neill took the cruise, they said we all missed a great boat ride. Saturday evening the dinner was held in hotel outside dinning area, which wasn’t bad because they had big heaters to keep us toasty. Jack Kennedy spoke to the group and gave a very interesting speech tell of some of the Blue Ghost history. After dinner, Dan Buckley played a tape of the original recording of the Blue Ghost song to the tune of Ghost Riders; he then played a tape of the same song re-recorded by professional musicians. Since the words were passed out to everyone it turned into a fabulous sing-a-long. The party was continued up in the hospitality suite and more stories, pictures, and slides were shown and discussed.  


Meet a Blue Ghost & His Family


Paul & Ellen Reitchell

Paul & Ellen in their new house!

Paul was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He moved to Maine after High School.  As one of Lynden Johnson's final acts he drafted Paul on 12-05-68.He didn't like where he was headed so he re-upped a week later to take an Avionics course. Paul landed in Vietnam on 08-11-69 assigned to Blueghost in Chu Lai at the Ky Ha pad. He left a year later, spending 14 months in hell in Texas. His enlistment ended 12-04-71. Paul says it was the most memorable year of his life!

Upon returning home from Vietnam Paul became a police officer for the Augusta Police Dept. in Maine, and retired as Deputy Chief in 1990. He continued in Law Enforcement with Maine's Secretary of State, he is still there. Paul kept up on his college studies through the years and now he had two Associate degrees and one Bachelors degree in Business.


Paul circa 1969 Viet Nam

Paul and Ellen were married in October 1998 and live in Augusta, Maine with Paul’s children Ed, Dorice, and Allison. Ellen is a Nurse working for the State of Maine, Ed is gainfully employed (Paul says yeah!), Dorice is a Sophomore at the University of Maine studying to be a high school teacher, and Allison just got her Driver’s License (Look-out Maine drivers!)  Paul says, “They are all the best things that ever happened to me”.

Editor’s note: I thought it might be nice to get to know some of the Blue Ghosts and their families so we wouldn’t seem like strangers at the reunions. With that in mind what I would like from all of you out there is a photo of you “Then” with a short bio of where and what you were doing. Also a recent family photo with an update of what everyone is doing now!


                  Sick Call!

 Get well wishes go out to Roger Caruthers; he is doing much better after a hospital stay. He is home mow and recuperating. Get well quickly Roger and we hope to see you next year at Kansas City.

We hope Dennis Galinski’s son mends quickly after his snow mobile accident; he is home now and using a walker.

Barbara Smith’s son Ken is also on the mend after a mountain climbing accident. He is doing better and has had portable casts put on his legs. Ken has to get well quickly; he is getting married May 4th. Congratulations!

Our condolences to Bob Neill, he recently lost his father. Our best to you and your family, Bob.

Let me know if there are any other Blue Ghosts or family

 who should be added to this section. You can send via

 email or snail mail. Email:  Snail mail

 address: 5920 Deer Creek Way  Paso Robles, CA 93446  Cell phone # (805) 886-3538.


Vietnam “Stories”

Editor’s Note: Since NONE of the Blue Ghosts sent in any “stories” I had to go else where! I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. Let me know if there is something you would like to see in upcoming issues of the newsletter. Most importantly, send in those pictures and stories, if you don’t, I’ll be forced to make things up or worse yet I will find some stories written by Marines! 


Blue Ghost Association News

BlueGhost Membership Meeting
April 6, 2002
Present:   John Anderson, Richard DuBois, Hector Mendoza, Ernie Arzabal, Dick Crawley, Robert R. Neill, Phil Holden, Eustace Denton, Nicholas Collier, Jay Smith, Jim Ware, Weds Robinson, Mike (Duck) McDonald, Charles Thomas, Jim Lowe, Mario A. Cruz, Dennis R. Dyer.
The meeting started at 9:05, with an introduction regarding the handout related to future reunions.  Richard DuBois led the discussion.  Several questions were asked.

Next Reunion:  Where are most of the BlueGhosts located?  St. Louis, KC, in the center of the United States.  How about Hawaii?  Wes Robinson volunteered to look into fares and things to do anywhere (for anyone).  His e-mail address is, from Phoenix with home phone #480- 839-7083/cell #602-791-4697.   Mike "Duck" McDonald ( is another person to contact.  One good contact is

Newsletter: Linda Anderson has volunteered to do the newsletter.  This will go out e-mail to those who have an e-mail.  BE SURE TO LET US KNOW YOUR NEW E-MAIL WHEN YOU CHANGE IT.   
By-Laws:  Richard DuBois asked if everyone had read them.
Dues:  $25 for year, due today
Treasurers report: Sent flowers to Chuck Gallagher's funeral and returned the membership check to an individual who had lost their job.  Balance:  $4792.00.  This does not include hotel expenses.
Dinner tonight:  Will be at the Patio Restaurant at 6:30 PM.
Today's entertainment:  If you go to the Zoo, can get into Wild Animal Park also.  The Zoo is worth going to.  
Certificates:  If you have not received yours, be sure to get in touch with Richard DuBois.  Richard also designed membership cards for everyone who is a member of the Association.  It would be wonderful to have all members present.
Finding Ghosts: Doc Anderson is looking for old orders, typically they have names with social security #’s, and he can find BlueGhosts with these numbers or even an old address.  Some people might have old address books of people who where there…with social security numbers. It was requested that all Ghosts who have died after leaving Vietnam…to be posted on the web site or in the newsletter. It was suggested that we do publicity over NPR, etc. to try to find more BlueGhosts.   
There is an archives in LaJolla, CA where old films of Vietnam are being stored, Including a 16 mm films.  There is a film somewhere that was made of F troop. Bill Martin had some information, but he is deceased.  The VA has archives in LaJolla.  They have information that they don’t know anything about.

Discussion of the next reunion:
Many sites discussed for the 2003 and 2004 reunions. It was decided Kansas City, MO will be the site for the 2003 reunion and Nashville, TN will be the site for the 2004 reunion. Americal reunion this year will be Veterans Day in Washington DC.  
Concerned with lack of people from maintenance, infantry, and avionics.  There were a lot of them at the first and second reunion.  In the by-laws, it says there needs to be a balance of people represented.

2 years ago, the army was looking to reactivate a unit.  They activated the 196th Infantry Brigade and they are now in Hawaii.  They are interested in hearing from anyone that was with that unit.  They know that the

1)     BlueGhosts are a part of their history.  

2)     Rocky Blyer's book: Rocky's War mentions the BlueGhosts in his book.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 am
Submitted by:  Barbara L. Smith

More Photos from the Reunion

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