I joined the scouts in March 1970 and left in October of '71.. This was my 2nd tour. When I arrived, Capt. Bentley was platoon leader and SSGT. Anselmi was the platoon SGT. We were
in Chu-Lai at that time.
From there we went to Marble Mountain [DaNang}, then Quang Tri, etc.
I first flew with Phil Weiland until he left and then Bob Leibel . Bob and
I flew together for the next year. After Bob left I flew with whoever cause I was getting short.
In that period, Capt. Nichols was platoon leader and some of the scout pilots were Turtle, Bob Leibel,
& Fred Manson, All I can remember is that I flew on alot of missions and Bob being the great pilot that he was kept us pretty much out of harms way.