In Jan, l970 I came to HHC 123 AVN BN.  In Feb. I was transferred to F troop 8th Cav.  While at Blueghost I worked as a clerk in flight operations & got  to know several of the pilots and crew members.  These people who flew combat assault, recon, first and late light, Nighthawk,etc. were very brave people and were my heroes then and still are today. 


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Americal Division Headquarters 

A closer view of the sign in front of division headquarters



Wes Moss in the middle with Doc Aldrich on his left and Tim Henry on right.



This is the dispensary after being hit by a rocket on Nov. 30 1970.  

  I left VN in Dec. l970 from E. Co. 723 Maint. Bn. and was on an extension to get the 6 month early out.  A short time into the extension, Nov. 30, we had a rocket attack and the l6th CAG dispensary got hit.  Seven people died,  I was there &  I'll never forget it. My good friend Kenneth "Beetle" Robertson and I were going to get a seat together on the "freedom bird" leaving VN but he didn't make it.




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Summer of 1970 LZ Kham Duc

Island off Chu Lai across from An Ton

Main air strip in Chu Lai 1970

I did get to fly on some of the different missions.  One night I got to fly on the chase ship for the night hawk and that was exciting.

 One time I was on board a slick during a late light mission and the loach was taking fire below us.  I went on the ground with 2 of the Blues to blow up a rocket and shortly after we got on the ground the mission was aborted because a radio call from division informed us that this area in "rocket pocket" was a mine field.  That incident almost scarred the- - - - out of me!  The scout  loach protected us by flying low over the top of us.  We were then extracted and a cobra rolled in and we could see it work out in the distance -- what a sight!  Especially seeing the secondary explosions going off!        



 Mr. Hotelling took me out in a UH-1H and gave me some "stick" time. That was one of the most exciting events in my life.  Thanks, Jim!

 Mr. Norton took me for a maintenance check ride in an OH-6A and boy, did I get sick!  I begged to get back on the ground and he brought me back immediately.  I was sick for a few hours.  Thanks for that ride, Mr. Norton, wherever you are!

 I also got a ride in a huey doing auto-rotations.  I think Capt. Owens was getting checked-out and the "old man"  Maj. Ivey was flying IP.  What a thrill!    


Viet Nam has certainly had an impact on my life. While at F troop 8th Cav., friends were injured and some were killed; it was devastating.   Thanks to all who have been involved with the reunions,  I've enjoyed them immensely and made some new friends. 

God Bless.  Wes Moss


 Photos courtesy of Wes Moss (Flight Operations 1970)


Wes now resides in Illinois with his wife Joanie. He is an antique dealer and partcipates in other Vietnam activities in addition to "BlueGhosts".  


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