Blue Ghost Newsletter

Summer/Fall 2001                                                  Vol #3    

2nd Annual Reunion F Troop 8th Cavalry

Pensacola, Florida


Special Interest Articles:


  Membership Certificates


  Shop online for “BlueGhost Stuff”


  Reunion 2002

   San Diego, CA


This picture isn’t everyone that attended, only those who went down to Memorial Park.

Individual Highlights:

After Action  2

By Laws       2

Taps            3

New “PX”     4




The second annual reunion has come and gone. For some it was the first time they had seen each other in thirty years, for others it was seeing everyone again . . . .  hoping that new faces would show up, and rekindle friendships from a time long ago that all thought were lost forever.

I feel particularly lucky in that I was fortunate to be in Atlanta, Ga., 2 1/2 years ago when Doc Anderson got a bunch of us together at the Traveling Wall.

Joe and Mary Loadholtes hauled us out



to their place, fed us lunch and allowed us all just to look at each other. I know that sounds silly but that’s what we did ! We sat around laughing at old stories, wondering among each other “what ever happened to what’s his name or did you know that so and so died”.

Right there on Joe’s porch, sipping a cold beer, the idea of a reunion was born. We all set about finding as many former “Ghosts” as we could. We decided on  Rocky Mount, NC to coincide with Doc’s Traveling Wall.


San Diego, CA., in 2002
Mark the calendar, set your clock and make your reservations early. The 3rd Annual BlueGhost Vietnam Veterans Association Reunion is in the planning stages. The venue will be San Diego, CA., and the dates are 04/04/02 through 04/07/02  The reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn on the Bay,1355 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, California, 92101. Phone 619-232-3861.

 Details from Dennis on the Association Page


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Just A Common Soldier

This looks like a great place for a reunion !


He was getting old and paunchy, and his hair was falling fast.

And he sat around the Legion telling stories of his past.

Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done,

In his exploits with his buddies -- they were heroes, every one.


And though sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke.

All his Legion buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke.

But we'll hear his tales no longer, for old Bill has passed away,

And the world's a little poorer, for a soldier died today.



He was just a common soldier, and  his ranks are growing thin,

But his presence should remind us we may need his like again.

For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier's part

Is to clean up all the troubles that others often start.


If we cannot give him honor, while he's here to hear the praise,

Then at least let's give him homage, at the ending of his days.

Perhaps a simple notice in a paper that would say,

"Our Country is in mourning, 'cause a Soldier passed away."

 Author unknown



“It’s your association too,

get your hands on a copy and

 read these proposed by-laws.”

Proposed By-Laws

I have spoke with  board members of several  other Vietnam Veterans associations. It was my intent to get some ideas on trying to put together a charter or a set of rules that we could use to set it up and operate in a professional competent manner.

Each of them faxed me a copy of their own by-laws and I read through all of them borrowing a bit from each, trying to finish in essence that would be “BlueGhost”.

After getting it all together, I gave Doc a copy and mailed one to Dennis, Danny Shifflet and Dan DeLor to read over and make comments, suggestions, etc.


It’s no masterpiece by any means but it is at least a “start point”  for the association. The hardest part is always the beginning. Once we are up and running for a couple of years, no one will remember these lean years.

I have copies available, each paid active  member should get one, read it completely, make comments to, sign it and mail it back to me. I feel it is important that we have a ratified set of by-laws by the Spring/Summer of 2002 and before the next reunion.  We are not a "legal" veteran's association without by-laws in place.

A copy of the proposed by-laws are posted at: 

By- Laws



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TAPS    by  Bob Wiggins

On  the morning of 13 April 2001, I phoned to speak with Chuck Gallagher because I’d heard that he had cancer. I was shocked to learn from his wife Tina that he had passed away earlier that morning. In response, I wrote the following note on the bulletin board. 

I had a lot of opportunities to fly with Chuck Gallagher during our tour in Vietnam. Most were memorable to say the least. There is a photo in Dan DeLor’s collection of CW2 Jim Wilkerson and myself taken at the cobra pads in front of operations at the airfield at Tam Ky.  

It was the second week in August ’69 and 16, (Dan),  28 (Wiilk) and 26 (me) had been running a visual recon and recon by fire to the West of Tien Phouc, looking for elements of the 2nd NVA Division, that was known to be on the move toward the refugee center at Heip Duc. Anyway, Dan found the bad guys and Chuck was writing notes of what we were finding and the coordinates on the windshield with a grease pencil. I kept kidding him that the notes needed to be in “black” not blue, ‘cause I couldn’t read the blue very well from the backseat. He mumbled back and complained that” officers” that couldn’t read or were color blind had no business flying. 

The banter between the two of us continued all the way back to Tam Ky and even while we were doing the post flight inspection (we were looking for bullet holes). One of the crewmembers took the picture of  Wilk and Me in front of my aircraft. In the background, Chuck’s foot is standing on the engine cowling and him “giving me the bird” can clearly be seen in the reflection of my canopy.



I have a lot of pictures of a lot of people

and places from Vietnam.  I’ve always kept this one in my scrapbook to remember Mr. Chuck Gallagher, “BlueGhost 22”.


Rest in peace “Double Duce” 


I can’t thank David Owen enough. When I learned of Chuck’s death, I phoned Dave and told him about the planned service and asked if he could possibly attend. Without hesitation, he said , “Yes”. The following is the wonderful comments he wrote me following his return home.

 I wanted to share it with all of you !


The following is Dave Owen’s account of Mr. Gallagher’s funeral service.

I attended Chuck's funeral as I said  I would.  It was a very Poignant, small town USA kind of affair in a very rural--and very Picturesque-- part of the state. 

I provided some reminiscences of Chuck in VN during the service which judging from the comments later were much appreciated by family and friends.  They thought it was great that his old unit thought enough of him to have someone actually there. 

I met many of his family members at the reception, including a very impressive Marine captain nephew for whom Chuck had been a hero and inspiration for his own military career.


Chuck Gallagher

at the VHPA Reunion, Nashville, TN.,

July 1999.



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BlueGhost “PX” Opens !



As usual, Dan & Donna DeLor have done a stellar job in setting up and stocking items for the PX.

The listing of available items is too long for me to do it justice in this



short piece. Go online and see for yourself !

I wanted a golf towel to put on my bag, Donna said, “No problem, what color do you want and what do you wanted embroidered on it “.

"The PX"

About Our Organization…

If needed, contact me at these numbers.

Bob Wiggins

P. O. Box 9261

Panama City Beach, FL  32417



(850) 234-2215




In my database, I have 117 names listed as active paid members.  If you have not received your copy of this newsletter and are seeing it online, contact me ASAP, that means I do not have you listed as an active member.



Regarding membership certificates, if you are a paid active member and have not received your official “Membership Certificate”, please contact me as soon as possible by e-mail, phone, pony express I don’t care . . . just let me know and I’ll have it printed, signed and sent on to by return post !