Born & raised in Canton, Ohio, home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, I was drafted after dropping out of college. 

During basic training I extended my term of active duty to become a Chinook crew chief because I always wanted to fly. At Fort Eustis, I could not read the numbers on the colored cards and was told I was color-blind and could not get into crew chief training. To get into aviation I agreed to train in power train & rotor repair. I was sent to Fort Campbell to the 570th TC Detachment and helped raise hell at the clubs.

Late in June 1968, we flew by C-141 directly to Chu Lai via Alaska & Japan. After rebuilding bunkers & hooches on the hill and alot of rat patrol, we began to work on the Blue Ghost aircraft. I worked on slicks & guns, progressing to maintenance team leader and technical inspector. I was so glad the C-models were replaced by Cobras.

 I almost extended my tour but decided to return to CONUS. I became an instructor at Fort Eustis then was sent to Fort Meade to help teach ROTC at Indiantown Gap in the summer of 1970. I returned to college and joined the Hoover Company after graduation in 1973. I retired in 2003 after 30 years at Hoover, my last position being a Corporate Staff Specialist in Information Technology. I never limited myself to one woman. Post Adjutant of the American Legion Post in Malvern, OH for 11 years. I am proud to have served and even more proud to have been associated with Blue Ghosts.


All the photos below are thumbnails, click on any you wish to see full size 

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The 570th & 415th ready to go to Fort Campbell airport

C-141 taking us to Vietnam parked at Fort Campbell

On the C-141 at 40,000 feet


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The stage background in hangar built on top of our fly-away. Art by Carl Mumaw?

415th Signal Detachment's air conditioned country club

Armament Sign

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Blues sign

Scouts Sign

One of each in our hangar


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Looking south down the beach

54th Medevac revetment and ship at south end of our flight line



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